Corona virus, COVID-19

Seek joy and keep your balance, do not underestimate the danger but do not even be afraid.
My Master used to say: fear is the daughter of ignorance.
As far as concerns the current topic, in what proportion is it fear based on carefully ascertained facts and how much is it a rampant psychological effect?
Anyway, by avoiding to face our fears or phobias, whatever they are, they grow.
In these few lines, from here on I refer to both with the generic name of "fear" for convenience.
As fear increases, our ability to discern and the effectiveness of our immune system decrease.
Fear makes people intolerant and aggressive, so after having ruined our biological, psychological and social health, it also destroys our relationships, which constitute our most important material and spiritual heritage.
Loneliness is also one of the consequences of fear.
Maintaining emotional detachment from what is happening, moving calmly and prudently, investigating the cause of our fears, carefully studying the complex phenomenon that generates them, allows us to face every circumstance of life with greater chances of success and less suffering.
Furthermore, the capability to well distinguish between what is in our power and what is not allows us to do: practically everything as for the former, hence we can decide how we want to feel; there is little we can do as for the latter, since anguish serves only to increase our suffering and that of others, as well as to dismiss the possibility of solution.
Therefore, we had better keep calm, prudence and our memory sharp, remembering that every crisis, beyond being temporary, brings with it precious opportunities: as big the crisis is, so is the evolutionary opportunity that it offers to those who can grasp it.
The news agencies do nothing but talk about the virus and they do it in such a contradictory way, that confuses people. In order not to be swayed, rather than focus on the virus, we had better think about how to keep ourselves in physical, psychological and above all spiritual health.
Let us eat moderately, sleep peacefully and enrich our daily life with the practice of meditation, which can reveal to us our nature of eternity.
See Bhagavad-gita, II.20-22: The Being is eternal, birth and death concern only the samsaric bodies that he wears.
BG II.20: “For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.”
BG II.22: “As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.”
Marco Ferrini